New Success Mindset Alliance
New Success Mindset Alliance

Welcome to New Success Mindset Alliance

The NEW version of success, curated by YOU - gain freedom, find fulfillment, drop the money shame

Playing by someone else's financial rules hasn't brought YOU the meaning, the fulfillment, or the peace of mind you really wanted. And that's why you've found your way here, because you're still searching for the answers to your struggles with money.  

New Success Mindset Alliance is a community that'll help you gain the money + success clarity you're looking for. 

By joining the NSMA community, you'll have the opportunity to define and refine the version of success that actually aligns with your personal values and feels incredible to wake up to every day. 

I'm a passionate believer that life must be lived on your own terms in order to reach the level of fulfillment and meaning that you truly want. 

NSMA was created because this is the community I wish I'd had twenty years ago. 

I didn't have open money conversations - money was taboo and shameful, according to the people I knew. And it took my years to figure out that it didn't have to be that way. I actually had a choice about how money and success could be! 

THAT blew my mind. 

In New Success Mindset Alliance, I share what I know works so that you can feel better about money and gain the success you most want much faster and much easier. 

There's no trophy for taking the long, hard way around. So join me for a more direct route to the healthy money relationship that will actually serve you now AND in the future.

  • I'm not into B.S. So here, you'll get straight-forward information about overcoming your money blocks and even practical things like how to create a budget that doesn't suck (I call budgets "Money Goals" because that's what they are. Simple, right?) 
  • You'll learn how to discover what you want and then how to take action immediately and confidently - because life doesn’t wait until you're ready, it just keeps rolling along
  • Sustainability - can you have your dream life without sacrificing your wellbeing? Of course - success and money doesn't have to be hard or stressful
  • These are some of the money blocks I help you detox: imposter syndrome, feeling ashamed of money, feeling intimidated by financial knowledge, and criticism from others (I'll share a LOT about this)
  • Negotiate for the income you actually want, whether you work for yourself or someone else (asking for what you want can be scary, but you won't feel that way for long - I've got some powerful tactics to get you through this)
  • And much more

The New Success Mindset Alliance community is all about helping YOU feel confident and comfortable with your money. 

This is what I call creating a healthy relationship with money, and it plays a key role in you're ability to feel successful - regardless of whether your want a $30k annual salary or a personal net worth in the billions. 

All versions of success are valid. 

Within our community you'll have access to: 

  • Monthly group mentoring calls and Q + A sessions 
  • Continuous chats with me and your other community members 
  • You can organize virtual and in-person get-togethers 
  • Share your struggles and successes in the feed and enjoy how great it feels to be supported by other people who're on a similar path 
  • Special live events like Detox Your Money Blocks, with access to the replays 
  • Resource lists of additional reading, YouTube playlists, coaches and mentors for deeper support, and more 

Who am I? 

Well, first, I'm a former poor kid. I'm a kid that was labeled "too much" and I'm multi-cultural (much to the disappointment of my great-grandmother). I revealed my sexual orientation early, and was nearly ejected from my parents' house. As a kid, it felt like shame came at me from every angle and I lived in hiding - I kept my money dreams, my heritage, and my truth quiet. 

But life goes on, right? So I plunged ahead, thinking that when I made a TON of money I could safely tell everyone in my life to F off. 

I did reach that point, but by the time I got there I realized it wasn't quite as amazing as I thought it'd be. So, I burned it all down (figuratively-ish). I walked away from a job I was seriously proud of, I let my roadster get repo'ed by the bank, and I watched my bills pile up. 

BUT, from the ashes of my once-good credit, I uncovered what I'd been missing - me. Building a loving relationship with myself has undoubtably transformed my money game. 

I definitely don't know everything - I'll always be "in process" - and I'm good with that. I'm also (learning) to be okay with being messy and living what I'm learning out loud - regardless of other people's opinions. 

What I do know is that I'd rather by messy AND working towards a life I actually want, that aligns with my values as a person, and that is free of shame. And that's what I'm doing. 

I’m Vanessa Redford, a Maverick Entrepreneur, a Certified Money and Success Mentor, and a Creative Business Strategist and Consultant.  

I like to have fun with money, and discovering what success looks and feels like for me and for a wide variety of other people has been one of the most interesting, challenging, and empowering adventures I've ever been on.  

Join New Success Mindset Alliance community and we can travel this road together. 

I'm all about helping you build a life you're excited to wake up to, because I know how much having this daily experience has benefited me, my clients, and friends. I believe in giving back and elevating the world we live in.

I'm focused on what's sustainable and what will bring you enjoyment now AND for your future. Creating the life you actually want is an incredible experience and a gift to yourself and everyone in your life.

Here's what some of my clients say:

(You can find more testimonials and reviews on my website and my Google business page)

"It's because of her ability to shift my mindset in ONE SESSION that I finally felt capable and confident enough to do what I wanted to do." — LISA C., Life Coach 

"As an LGBTQ+ business owner I have found comfort and support in the way Vanessa Redford coaches. The way she introduces an idea and makes you dig deeper in your thoughts and not just base your answers on emotions it's for sure inspiring." - Mikey M-G., CEO  

"When my self-doubt and limiting beliefs started to show up, Vanessa helped me focus on my strengths and keep going." — MECHELLE W., Resilience Coach, Author + Speaker, and Business Owner 

"Working with Vanessa was amazing! We talked through some great things (ranging from mental blocks to business strategies that have definitely moved me forward and closer to where I want to be." — MAX O., Global Entrepreneur 

"Vanessa was fabulous. As a result of working with her, I am able to launch in half the time." — PAULA M., Wellness + Vitality Coach and Yoga Instructor

"Each time I've finished a session with Vanessa, I've felt lighter, more confident, with an increased awareness of what direction I want to be headed." — HANNIE B., Life Activator and Entrepreneur 

"Vanessa doesn't sugarcoat but contributes what is necessary to help your growth and evolution." — SHOLEH T., Entrepreneur and Former Corporate VP Finance 

Here’s what else you can expect when you join New Success Mindset Alliance today:

  • Real talk, raw support, and actionable strategies
  • No fluff, no gimmicks, no get-rich-quick B.S. or empty promises
  • A Judgment-Free Zone where all versions of success are accepted and celebrated: whether it's the corner office and fancy cars for you or an off-grid treehouse in the mountains ... or < insert your version of the life you'd love to wake up to here >
  • Live Sessions with open shares and Group Mentoring with me
  • A Community Feed plus Chat so that you can stay in touch with other members, and so you also chat with me between Lives and Groups Sessions. I'm proud of this community and I love being here with you
  • Diverse Guest Speakers sharing their personal success journeys
  • Recorded Tutorials to enjoy at your own pace
  • Live Workshops, Masterclasses, Q + A's, and more
  • Network to your heart's content. Community means coming together so make friends, plan events on and off the platform

This community celebrates being real, owning what you want for your life, and supporting each other as we define and refine our path to meaningful, fulfilling, sustainable success and a healthy relationship with money.  

How it works: 

This is a membership community with monthly dues, think of it like a gym for your money goals. You can stay as long as you're getting a valuable return on your investment. And you can cancel at any time, no harm, no foul, no stress.

“If you want to go far, go together.” African proverb

Join me and the incredible people who have gathered here to support each other as we define and refine our personal versions of success and grow our net worth to levels that feel fun and exciting to EACH of us.

This is your moment of truth.

Are you serious about actually living the life YOU want?

If you're curious, join New Success Mindset Alliance community for a trial run. If this isn't the place for you, no worries. 

You can cancel your membership at anytime and I'll still be sending you cheers and good vibes. 

Vanessa (=